Tuned In Tuned In

Corporate Press Release Theater: Goode News

ABC announced its summer programming today, which means a pile of reality/game shows and one series I’ve actually been awaiting, Mike Judge’s The Goode Family. I have not seen the series, so I’m anticipating it based only on Judge’s reputation, and the summer launch date is not exactly a ringing endorsement. (Has there been a hit …

Charles in Charge?

Britain’s Prince Charles, the sworn enemy of modern architecture, has gone on the offensive again. Earlier this week he attacked a plan for a large but mostly low-rise apartment development project. Designed by Richard Rogers’ firm, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, it would be built on a site in west London across from Christopher

Tuned In Tuned In

Happy Lost Day: Dayenu, Already!

When you think about it, Lost is a pretty Jewish show, particularly given all the Passover resonances. There are, of course, all the Old Testament references. There is an exodus from a land of exile. There’s even a plague, though this one goes beyond affecting the firstborn to all Island babies and their mothers.

All of which is to …

Tuned In Tuned In

The Morning After: Feral Itself

Fringe returned last night after an absence of several weeks, with a decent but not great episode about a feral child, discovered living underground, who bonds emotionally with Olivia. Fringe had gone to hiatus on a fairly high point, and I’d expected its return to continue more directly with the Pattern storyline it had embraced …

Tuned In Tuned In

Idol Predix Thread

I probably should start working my predictions in to the main American Idol review post, but since that’s already up, I will say:

* Kris, Lil and Scott in the bottom three, Scott goes home. Though the fact that I liked Kris for the first time this week does not bode well for him.

* Incidentally, at this point we’re all just waiting to …